- To create an International Wire, go to the Cash Management services page, choose Cash Management, then International Transfers.
Note: Wires must be transmitted by 4:00 PM EST on a business day* or the wire will drop off the system at end of day.
- Click on Create Transfer.
- Choose one of the following options:
a. US Dollar Transfer -Select this option to create a quote with US dollars as the destination currency
b. Foreign Currency - Select this option to create a quote with a foreign currency as the destination country
- Completing a US Dollar Transfer
a. Complete the fields
- Transfer from Account - Select an account from the list, which contains all accounts included in the DLI company file
- Destination Country - Enter the desired country where you want the transfer sent
- Destination Currency - Select a currency from the list of available currencies
- Transfer Amount - Enter a transfer amount in foreign currency or US dollars. This field includes a decimal point and two places following it 0.00 appears in this field by default. A code indicating the selected destination currency appears to the right of this field.
b. Select Submit - the International Transfer USD Quote Summary dialog displays the following information
- Quote ID
- Value Date
- USD Amount
- Wire Fee
- Total Cost of Transfer
- Review the quote summary, and then select Continue - the International USD Transfer Created dialog box appears
Note: If you select return, the information is not saved and the Create International Quote screen reappears with the fields cleared. If you exit the browser or the session times out before selecting Continue or Return, the information does not save
- Completing a Foreign Currency Transfer
a. Complete the fields
- Show Transfer Amount In - Select the destination currency of the transfer amount or US Dollars. The destination currency appears in this field by default
- Select Submit - the International Transfer USD Quote Summary dialog displays the following information
- Expiration Date and Time
- Quote ID
- Value Date
- Exchange Rate
- Foreign Amount
- USD Amount
- Wire Fee
- Exchange Fee
- Total Cost of Transfer
b. Review the quote summary, and then select ACCEPT - if the quote is valid and the selected account has at least one established payee and/or you are authorized to create payees for the account, the contract disclaimer dialog box appears
Note: If you are not authorized to create payees for the account, the Payee Denial dialog box appears
d. Select Continue - The Select Payee screen appears. The only payees that appear are those whose payee financial institution country matches the destination country selected on the Create an International Transfer Quote screen
e. Select a payee, or if necessary, add payee and then select the payee. If the desired payee does not exist and you have the Create Payees entitlement, select Add New Payee to create a new one.
f. The Transmit International Transfer screen appears if you have the Transmit Foreign Currency Transfers and/or Transmit USD Transfers entitlements enabled. Without the entitlements, the Save Transfer screen appears. Cash Management users can save a transfer so that authorized users can transmit it.
- Transmitting International Transfers - Create an international transfer prior to completing this task, if necessary
Note: Use the Transmit Transfers submenu to view a list of all international transfers created for an account and the status of each transfer. From this screen, you can view details and, with the necessary permissions, create and transmit an international transfer from the previously created contracts.
Foreign currency and US dollar transactions in a Ready status display a Transmit link when you have the Transmit Foreign Currency Transfers and/or Transmit USD Transfers entitlements enabled at the user/default setting levels and the account level for the account selected.
- Go to Cash Management > International Transfers > Transmit Transfers
- Select Transmit next to the desired transfer
Note: Select Details to view the International Transfer Details screen, which includes all information for the transfer including quote, payee, and payee financial institution information. A transaction reference number only appears for the transfers that have been transmitted. Transfers that have not yet been transmitted do not include a transaction reference number. Select Select Payee to access the Payee Selection screen where a new or existing payee can be established for a transfer.
If dual control is enabled, a message appears explaining the wire approval process, and Approve appears instead of Transmit
c. Edit Payment Notes and For Further Credit, if necessary. Values for these fields are not required. If dual control is enabled, a message appears confirming the wire approval process.
Note: Do not enter special characters (e.g., !, $, #, %, & ,or *) in these fields because an error message appears when attempting to initiate a DLI wire that includes any special characters in those fields
d. Review the wire instructions and then enter the Wire Pin
e. Select Approve (if dual control required) or Transmit to begin the transmit process. A success message appears, and the transfer status changes to Approval or Initiated.
- Payee List
Use the Payee List page to view currently established international transfer payees.
- Managing Payees – Add New Payee
- Go to Cash Manager > International Transfers > Payee List
- Select Add New Payee - the Create International Payee screen appears
- Complete the necessary fields. Enter the required information for a new internal transfer payee and optionally use an intermediary financial institution
- Payee FI BIC
Enter the payee’s financial institution Business Identifier Code (BIC). This field can include both alpha and numeric characters. This field is required if a payee FI routing number is not provided.
- Use an Intermediary FI
Select this check box to view additional fields for an intermediary financial institution. The fields for intermediary FI information that are denoted with an asterisk (*) are required only if the Use an Intermediary FI check box is selected.
- Select Submit – The payee is added to the international payee list
- Managing Payees – Editing a Payee
- Go to Cash Manager > International Transfers > Payee List - the Edit International Payee screen appears
- Select Edit next to the desired payee.
- Edit the fields, if necessary
- Select Submit
- Managing Payees – Deleting a payee
- Go to Cash Manager > International Transfers > Payee List
- Select Delete next to the desired payee
A confirmation dialog box appears. Payee information cannot be retrieved after deletion.
- Select Delete